The Perfect SDR Weekly Schedule
Here is a complete schedule for a BDR/SDR – copy & paste, make small changes based on when your weekly meetings with your team are – and get to work!
This product gives you a perfect SDR/BDR weekly schedule to maximize your success as a sales development representative.
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What people say?
“Sarah Storm’s work has now helped me plan for a Perfect Week full of productivity! This guide is incredibly useful! I am cutting and pasting the examples into my calendar ASAP!”
Oscar Waller
“This book is GOLDEN if you wish to leverage your sales. It’s perfect if you’re an SDR yourself, a manager looking to improve your teams skills, or a HR professional (like me) who looks to improve learning & development in the organisation.”
“SDR people, here´s your answer to a perfect work week. Go get!”
Britta Schneider